12th Annual SMRS
June 9-11, 2025
Call for Papers
We invite proposals for papers, complete sessions, and roundtables. Any topic in the scholarly investigation of the medieval and early modern world is welcome. This year introduces an organizing, optional theme: “Synthesis and Reconciliation.” Papers are also being solicited on the following topics:
Mini-conferences hosted by societies occur in the context of the SMRS (see below). Paper submitters are welcome to submit their paper for general consideration at the Symposium or for one of the mini-conferences. All submissions are centralized and are made through the SMRS website.
The submission portal will open on November 1. The portal has buttons for submission to the main SMRS and for each of the mini-conferences. The deadline for all submissions is December 31, 2024. Decisions will be made by the end of January, and the final program will be published in March.
- Reading Ancient History in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- Creeds, Nicene and Other
- Family Dynamics
- Iceland and Ireland
- Scholasticism
Mini-conferences hosted by societies occur in the context of the SMRS (see below). Paper submitters are welcome to submit their paper for general consideration at the Symposium or for one of the mini-conferences. All submissions are centralized and are made through the SMRS website.
The submission portal will open on November 1. The portal has buttons for submission to the main SMRS and for each of the mini-conferences. The deadline for all submissions is December 31, 2024. Decisions will be made by the end of January, and the final program will be published in March.
50th St. Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies
As the fiftieth anniversary, this year marks an important occasion to remember and celebrate scholarship of years past and highlight new research in the field. As at previous conferences, papers are welcome in all topics related to research on medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, including codicology, paleography, manuscript illuminations, marginalia, text-editing, and digital humanities tools for studying manuscripts. The overall theme of the Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies in 2025 is "Synthesis and Reconciliation." Following this theme is welcome but not required. We also welcome sessions honoring the work of previous scholars who have been important in the world of manuscript studies or revisiting themes investigated in earlier papers at the St. Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies. The Lowry J. Daly, SJ Memorial Lecture in Manuscript Studies will be delivered by Adam S. Cohen of the University of Toronto.
International Arthurian Studies Mini-Conference
After a one-year hiatus, the International Arthurian Studies-North American Branch returns to the SMRS in June 2025. The IAS-NAB welcomes individual proposals or proposals for complete sessions on any topic pertaining to Arthurian studies, whether medieval or its modern adaptations. Inquiries may be directed to Professor Evelyn Meyer ([email protected]) & Professor Siân Echard ([email protected]), incoming President of the IAS-NAB.
South-Central Renaissance Conference
We are pleased to welcome the South-Central Renaissance Conference (SCRC) to the SMRS for the first time. The SCRC welcomes paper proposals in all areas of Renaissance studies. Besides general sessions, it regularly hosts sessions affiliated with the Queen Elizabeth I Society, the Andrew Marvell Society, and the Society for Renaissance Art History. Presenters in this mini-conference must be members of the SCRC and can join at https://southcentralrenaissanceconference.org/.
As the fiftieth anniversary, this year marks an important occasion to remember and celebrate scholarship of years past and highlight new research in the field. As at previous conferences, papers are welcome in all topics related to research on medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, including codicology, paleography, manuscript illuminations, marginalia, text-editing, and digital humanities tools for studying manuscripts. The overall theme of the Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies in 2025 is "Synthesis and Reconciliation." Following this theme is welcome but not required. We also welcome sessions honoring the work of previous scholars who have been important in the world of manuscript studies or revisiting themes investigated in earlier papers at the St. Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies. The Lowry J. Daly, SJ Memorial Lecture in Manuscript Studies will be delivered by Adam S. Cohen of the University of Toronto.
International Arthurian Studies Mini-Conference
After a one-year hiatus, the International Arthurian Studies-North American Branch returns to the SMRS in June 2025. The IAS-NAB welcomes individual proposals or proposals for complete sessions on any topic pertaining to Arthurian studies, whether medieval or its modern adaptations. Inquiries may be directed to Professor Evelyn Meyer ([email protected]) & Professor Siân Echard ([email protected]), incoming President of the IAS-NAB.
South-Central Renaissance Conference
We are pleased to welcome the South-Central Renaissance Conference (SCRC) to the SMRS for the first time. The SCRC welcomes paper proposals in all areas of Renaissance studies. Besides general sessions, it regularly hosts sessions affiliated with the Queen Elizabeth I Society, the Andrew Marvell Society, and the Society for Renaissance Art History. Presenters in this mini-conference must be members of the SCRC and can join at https://southcentralrenaissanceconference.org/.
Additional Call for Papers for Pre-Organized Sessions
International Boethius Society:
Note: The International Boethius Society has extended abstract submissions to December 28th, 2024.
The International Boethius Society seeks papers for panels on Boethian scholarship to be hosted by the Symposium of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, at Saint Louis University in Saint Louis, MO, on June 9-11, 2025. We are particularly interested in papers which examine The Consolation of Philosophy in translation and literary reception, as well as papers which explore teaching Boethius in a variety of contexts. However, papers exploring any aspect of Boethius's corpus and influence are welcome. Please submit paper abstracts of about 300 words to Anthony G. Cirilla at [email protected] by December 28, 2024. If accepted, submission of session proposals will occur before the general SMRS deadline on December 31.
Also please consider joining the International Boethius Society to help support our efforts to promote Boethius scholarship: https://boethius.blogspot.com/p/ibs-membership.html.
Crusade Studies Forum at Saint Louis University:
The Crusade Studies Forum at SLU invites proposals for scholarly papers related to the memory of the crusades and the Kingdom of Jerusalem in texts, images, and liturgies. Papers will be twenty minutes each in a session scheduled for ninety minutes.
Abstracts of 250 words should be submitted to Evan McAllister at [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2024. Decisions will be made by the middle of December, prior to the general SMRS deadline of December 31.
International Boethius Society:
Note: The International Boethius Society has extended abstract submissions to December 28th, 2024.
The International Boethius Society seeks papers for panels on Boethian scholarship to be hosted by the Symposium of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, at Saint Louis University in Saint Louis, MO, on June 9-11, 2025. We are particularly interested in papers which examine The Consolation of Philosophy in translation and literary reception, as well as papers which explore teaching Boethius in a variety of contexts. However, papers exploring any aspect of Boethius's corpus and influence are welcome. Please submit paper abstracts of about 300 words to Anthony G. Cirilla at [email protected] by December 28, 2024. If accepted, submission of session proposals will occur before the general SMRS deadline on December 31.
Also please consider joining the International Boethius Society to help support our efforts to promote Boethius scholarship: https://boethius.blogspot.com/p/ibs-membership.html.
Crusade Studies Forum at Saint Louis University:
The Crusade Studies Forum at SLU invites proposals for scholarly papers related to the memory of the crusades and the Kingdom of Jerusalem in texts, images, and liturgies. Papers will be twenty minutes each in a session scheduled for ninety minutes.
Abstracts of 250 words should be submitted to Evan McAllister at [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2024. Decisions will be made by the middle of December, prior to the general SMRS deadline of December 31.