The SMRS offers ample opportunities for publishers and booksellers to promote their products to an erudite audience of hundreds of scholars from all around the world, not only face to face at the Book Fair and receptions during the conference, but also within the official Program, the official mobile app, and Registration Packets. Should you wish to take advantage of any of the offerings described below, please submit your request electronically via the registration link below.

Full page and half page ads are available in the printed program of the Annual Symposium of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The cost is $250 for full page and $150 for half page ads in full color ($50 discount for greyscale). Ads are not to exceed 5.5"x8.25" (full page) or 5.5"x4.125" (half page), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. After booking an ad above, please submit your file to [email protected]. For further information please contact Teresa Harvey at [email protected].
We are pleased to announce that the book exhibit will be located in the newly renovated Center for Global Citizenship. The venue offers proximity to the sessions, lounging room, and is exceptionally well-lit. Coffee service between the sessions will be held exclusively in the book exhibit building so as to lure in thirsty academics. Additionally, the nightly wine receptions will be held in the book exhibit hall, affording you plenty of assured foot traffic in the evenings. Exhibition space is available in our book exhibit hall for publishers, used book dealers, artists, numismatists and all other sorts of vendors. If you are unable to come in person, we can arrange book/journal displays for you.
The first 8' table costs $200, all additional 8' tables cost $100. For additional information, please contact Teresa Harvey at [email protected].
Full page and half page ads are available in the printed program of the Annual Symposium of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The cost is $250 for full page and $150 for half page ads in full color ($50 discount for greyscale). Ads are not to exceed 5.5"x8.25" (full page) or 5.5"x4.125" (half page), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. After booking an ad above, please submit your file to [email protected]. For further information please contact Teresa Harvey at [email protected].
We are pleased to announce that the book exhibit will be located in the newly renovated Center for Global Citizenship. The venue offers proximity to the sessions, lounging room, and is exceptionally well-lit. Coffee service between the sessions will be held exclusively in the book exhibit building so as to lure in thirsty academics. Additionally, the nightly wine receptions will be held in the book exhibit hall, affording you plenty of assured foot traffic in the evenings. Exhibition space is available in our book exhibit hall for publishers, used book dealers, artists, numismatists and all other sorts of vendors. If you are unable to come in person, we can arrange book/journal displays for you.
The first 8' table costs $200, all additional 8' tables cost $100. For additional information, please contact Teresa Harvey at [email protected].