The SMRS is proud to host the 50th Annual Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies as a mini-conference concurrent with the main Symposium.
Lowry Daly, SJ Plenary Speaker: Adam S. Cohen (University of Toronto)
Lowry Daly, SJ Plenary Speaker: Adam S. Cohen (University of Toronto)
Call for Papers or organized sessions: 50th Annual Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies; June 9–11, 2025.
All areas of manuscript studies, including but not limited to paleography, textual criticism, codicology, preservation and curation, and art history, are welcome. Papers may cover research on manuscripts produced in many different locations and comprising many different texts.
Papers should be 20 minutes in length. We accept paper proposals, proposals to organize a session, and roundtable proposals on topics of your choice.
Proposals with title and abstract (250 words) should be submitted here.
All areas of manuscript studies, including but not limited to paleography, textual criticism, codicology, preservation and curation, and art history, are welcome. Papers may cover research on manuscripts produced in many different locations and comprising many different texts.
Papers should be 20 minutes in length. We accept paper proposals, proposals to organize a session, and roundtable proposals on topics of your choice.
Proposals with title and abstract (250 words) should be submitted here.