Attendees are invited to combine their time in Saint Louis with research in the extensive collections of Saint Louis University's Pius XII Memorial Library. A picture ID is required to gain access. In addition to the regular collections, attendees may also wish to take advantage of the Saint Louis University Libraries Special Collections, whose Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library contains approximately 40,000 medieval and Renaissance manuscripts-on-microfilm (principally from the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana) and offers one of the most extensive reference collections for manuscript studies in the country. Rare Books in Special Collections holds about 30,000 volumes and is particularly strong in philosophy, theology, and Church history. The Jesuit Archives & Research Center is adjacent to the university and also accessible to Symposium attendees.
Special Collections is regularly open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Because space may be limited in the reading rooms during the Symposium, those who wish to consult manuscripts-on-microfilm or rare books are encouraged to contact the Vatican Film Library ([email protected]) or the Rare Books Library ([email protected]) in advance of their arrival.
Special Collections is regularly open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Because space may be limited in the reading rooms during the Symposium, those who wish to consult manuscripts-on-microfilm or rare books are encouraged to contact the Vatican Film Library ([email protected]) or the Rare Books Library ([email protected]) in advance of their arrival.